
Blind Leading the Blind - Part 1

Currently obsessing over imboycrazy.com
Don’t let the title fool you, this site is full of honest advice and openhearted stories. 
They have an ongoing series called “Blind leading the blind” It’s full of interesting observations, hilarious one liners and humbling advice. I’m about half way through the massive list and I have to take a moment and post my favourites!

Take them with a grain of salt & be prepared to look yourself / your relationship in the mirror. After that, wander over to imboycrazy.com and take a peek for yourself! 
ever notice how the guys you totally DON’T like and brush off almost ALWAYS fall in love with you? try this as a dating experiment and let me know how it goes: treat the guys you like the way you treat guys you don’t like. for example: don’t be so available, take longer to return texts, don’t be so accommodating, etc.

Sometimes all you REALLY need is a polish change, and not the whole mani pedi. faster, cheaper, and WAY less boring to sit through!

if you’re always waiting on someone else's terms & time frame, it’s exhausting and the relationship is imbalanced.

the best and saddest thing about breaking up with someone you’ve been dating long distance is that, once it’s over, there is a 99% chance you will never run into them again.

always have pretzels and ginger ale or sprite in your kitchen… because, you just never know. you never know.

when dining alone at a sushi restaurant, always sit at the sushi bar and pretend you’re on a date with the guy you’re wedged in next to… even if he is someone else's husband.

getting married is the new ‘i don’t believe in marriage.’ we’ve done and seen it all! some things work, other things don’t. just jump in! so what if you get divorced in 7 years? at least you did it! monogamy is the new ‘wylin out’ or whatever that horrible pop culture phrase was when it was. plus, all that really matters as a woman is who you decide to have a baby with. that’s what needs to be the most precious decision. not marriage.

Shave your legs, even if you don’t have a date, a life, a man, or plans in general. you NEVER know what’s gonna happen! YES, we all know the urban legend that says good things happen when we FORGET to shave our legs… but come on ladies, just shave them. do it for YOU

Being a girl alone at home depot gives me exactly the same feeling as when I’m alone at guitar center… out of place, slightly uncomfortable, and judged by men… but once you get past that, it’s PURE HEAVEN!

Framing something as a ‘dream’ is the perfect way of bringing up uncomfortable topics with your boyfriend. For example: “I had the craziest dream you cheated on me. Isn’t that, um, weird?” or “I had the worst dream ever! You were texting with your ex and being all like ‘I miss you’. Do you, like, do that?”

Being objectified won’t last forever… so enjoy it while you can!

don’t text somebody if not getting a quick reply will hurt your ego and send you down an angry emotional spiral. people are busy and can’t always get back to you quickly. it’s not personal. be calm with your text expectations. one text. no double texts. press send, then continue on with your life. don’t sit around staring at your phone waiting for text bubbles to pop up from the person you’re obsessing over. get a life, relax, be cool.

If you want to possess the single most attractive quality anyone can have, be passionate about working hard at something you love doing. This will allow you to afford your own place, which is the single most attractive quality anyone can have.

be with someone who doesn’t make you want to check your phone.

always have a sexy bathing suit and a FAMILY APPROPRIATE bathing suit on hand.

when vine or insta doesn’t upload a video you shot, don’t get upset. just think to yourself ‘god is looking out for my social life. this was meant to NOT be.’

Girls: next time you pull up next to another girl picking at her face in the car next to you: honk, yell, knock on the glass, and do whatever it takes to get her attention and snap her out of her self sabotaging skin picking trance! We are women! We MUST stick together.

One of the best things about a man who’s been in a long-term relationship is that there’s a 99.9% chance that he’s seen every episode of Sex and the City.

not having expectations and letting people/life surprise you is a much more fulfilling way to live and leads to a happier, lighter, more carefree existence. but this is a very hard thing to do.

Only date guys who are capable of calling you on the phone AND leaving a voicemail message. There are only four men who fit this description in existence… your job is to find them.

imboycrazy.com for more!! xx