Self-Delight and Admiration

The Secret To YOUR Fabulous Life.
Here's an introduction to what I'd like to call, "My Self-Delight and Admiration Journey".

PART ONE is dedicated to solutions for all those "down in the dumps" days.  Those days when you just feel hopeless.  Hopeless that things are not happening fast enough.  Hopeless that your dreams are taking forever to come to fruition. Hopeless that you are working so hard and nothing seems to be coming together ... I'm hoping I can inspire a tiny glint of inspiration and a little touch of  delight to make you feel so much better about yourself.  About your life.  And the beautiful future that awaits you.  
If your feeling sad ... Smile. Your body will immediately start to feel better and it will be easier to think happy thoughts. 
Make a list of things you LOVE *
Things I love;

Proper cocktails, kinis', cheeky books, dinner parties, creative expression, cats (preferably naked), Paris, lightning, quality shoes & New York City
Appreciate the little things ... Life is all about "micro pleasures" if you recognize the small things that make you happy, You will keep yourself smiling from breakfast to bedtime * 

My top 5 micro pleasures (out of a million) 

1. Cup of tea with extra cream. 

2. Looking at cards. (I could do this for hours! *Birthday, Friendship, Family, Love,Congrats, pretty much any occasion.)
3. Going into expensive furniture stores and imagining what your future house will be decorated like. 

4. Walking around in cute matching bra & panties.

5. Driving up to a red light and it turns green BEFORE you have to press the break.


Think of your absolute dream in life. 
*Refer to your "I Want" list
Discover your dream house, car, job, closet wardrobe, vacation  etc. & SAVE PICTURES!  Pictures make your dreams a reality.  Look at them often and feel what it would feel like to have these things in your life.  Prepare to live the life you've imagined. 

" I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think its the thing I like most, to laugh. it cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."

Audrey Hepburn

MUSIC is great a mood lifter!
Get in your car, and crank the tunes. Anything that will make you excited and smile. *Find a song that doesn't make you think. Just listen and be free and you will feel your troubles melt away. 

PART TWO Make Action Into Reality

We have the luxury to design our own lives... Here I will post fantastic ways for you to get even more inspired about YOU. :)  A little motto that I live by is "kai zen" Japanese for continuous and never ending improvement.

Next I would love to share with you is how to create an I WANT list:  

With a friend or alone| 
Sit down in a cosy place with a pen, paper and an open mind. (I love a couple lit candles and jazz music in the background)  

I find the best ways to begin clarifying what you really want out of life is to mentally think of things you want to do in life, Things you want to have and things you want to do before you die. 

Number the page from 1 - 50

By yourself or Have a friend ask you over and over again  "What do you want"or  "What do I want ?" for 10-15 minutes and jot down your answers.   

Little helpers to ignite something * What do I want: out of life?  Right now, In the future.  Create categories : Career, fun, recreation, health , relationships, personal projects and leisure.

You'll find that all the first wants aren't very deep or mysterious. You probably heard yourself saying, for example<  "I want a Bentley, I want a Penthouse in NYC. etc, However near the end, the real you begins to speak. "I want people to love me for me, I want people to value my opinion, I want to make a difference, I want to feel important." … Wants are the true expressions of your inner passions

 "The Success Principles - Jack Canfield" Fantastic book!!  

You'll feel amazing when you're done. 
A peek into some of my favorite wants are
#21 "I want to travel the world" and #36 "I want to inspire people for being me " 

The finishing touches: Sign and date the bottom & put it somewhere you always look .
Mine is on my bathroom mirror .. Everyday I look at it and visualize what I want in life <3

Creative Process to getting what you want.

What do you want in the next week, month, lifetime?
What do you want to experience out of life? What would you like happen to you this year? Anything in the world you want to be, have or do think about it. (refer to your "I want" list)
Write it down, save pictures, think about it, talk about it ect. 
When you ask, the universe will help you achieve all your goals in life - short term or long.
Believe it’s already yours. Believe you've already won. Believe you've already done it. Just believe. 
You don’t know how it’s going to come about; everything will rearrange its self for you. Don't stress over the small details on how its all going to happen. If you believe enough and feel it within you the universe will lead you to do everything you desire. 
You WILL attract it.

Feel the way you will feel when it arrives. Feel it now. If you want to travel all through Europe have the mindset like the trip is already booked and the countdown is on. Feel the excitement, feel the freedom,  
FEEL IT. Test drive that dream car. wake up everyday feeling happy and excited out the new promotion, try one those dresses that you would wear on the red carpet, believe it’s yours and feel it. Feel life, Feel happiness, feel gratitude.


Think of all the amazing things you have in you life: Friends, Love, Job, Health Material things etc. Take a moment or two everyday to thank the world for them. 
We really are so lucky to have what we have. 
I've found the best way to get more of what we love is to be thankful and happy with what we have * 
Fun Fact : A positive thought is 200x more powerful then any negative. 
Personal Note :
Think about your DREAM car, put pictures of it anywhere and everywhere.
You could sit here all day thinking "I hate my car ! It needs a new paint job, I've had it forever, theres 5 little things that are broken and annoying on it bla bla bla " however if you switch your thoughts to  "Love my car, its been so good to me over the years, don't know what I would do with out it etc." you will notice yourself reacting differently as you  see your car.
Whenever you start to feel a negative thought of your car coming on think of your dream car is and how much you love it. Visualize yourself in it. Even go for a test drive in one . Replace the negative thoughts with a powerful positive one. The universe will respond positively with your thoughts and your dream car. I used car as an example but positive thinking works with every aspect of life. Your job- Don't focus on the negative, be the positive and you will feel yourself moving up the ladder of life.  

“Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about.”  

Make and wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it ? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is gonna come from, the next smile,  the next wish come true. But if you believe that its right around the corner, and you open your heart to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it. You just might get the thing you're wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it? Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart.